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Flourless Orange Cake

May 2, 2014

By Kath Dedon


I recently made this Flourless Orange Cake twice in one week. It’s really quite tasty. Since it’s wheat free (for me) and sweetened with honey (for Bob), it’s a dessert that was enjoyed by the whole family on Easter.

The first time I made it, I used 2 organic thin-skinned navel oranges. Following Elena’s lead (Elena’s Pantry), I used baking soda for leavening. It was great, but it rose quite a bit in the oven and then kind of collapsed in the middle.

The second time I made it, I used 5 Clementine oranges and used baking powder as Deb does at Smitten Kitchen. I think the baking powder gave it a more even rise and a slightly better texture. I think I’ll stick with baking powder.

I have concluded that it doesn’t matter what kind of oranges you use. Seedless are easier and it makes sense to me that you don’t want a thick rind like you find on some navel oranges.

I may not be done tweaking this recipe, but it’s good enough to share now. If you’re looking for a flourless cake, this is easy to make and delicious. It keeps well for several days.

I’m thinking about trying it with Meyer lemons soon!

(I also found that it makes a great breakfast. You got your eggs, you got your almonds, you got your oranges….) 🙂


Flourless Orange Cake



Flourless Orange Cake

(Adapted from recipes on Elana’s Pantry and Smitten Kitchen)


(print the recipe)


Generously serves 8 – 10


Oranges – about 375g (13 – 14 ounces, or just under a pound – about 2 thin-skinned navel oranges or 4 – 5 Clementine oranges)

4 eggs

¾ cup honey

2 cups (224g) almond flour

½ teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon baking powder (Not all baking powders are gluten and wheat free, so make sure yours is if that’s important to you. The Rumford Aluminum-Free Baking Powder I used is gluten free.)


Clementine oranges


1. Wash the oranges and put them in a large pot and cover with a lot of water. Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce the heat to a simmer and simmer for 1½ hours. (Check occasionally to make sure you don’t need to add more boiling water. My pot was big enough and I had enough water in it that I did not have to add more water.)

Boiling oranges


2. Remove the oranges from the water and let them cool.

Oranges cooling


3. Preheat the oven to 325˚.

4. Grease a 9-inch cake pan. Line the bottom of the greased pan with a piece of parchment paper and then grease the parchment paper.

5. Cut the cooled oranges into smaller pieces* and remove any seeds. Put the orange pieces, rind and all, into a food processor and process until smooth.


*After they cooled, I cut one of the oranges in half to confirm that they were seedless. The clementines were small enough that I just processed them whole. When I used the navel oranges, I quartered them first.

Orange cut in half


In the food processor


Processed oranges


6. Add the eggs, honey, almond flour, sea salt, and baking powder to the food processor and process until everything is well-combined.

 Measuring the almond flour – 224g

Measuring almond flour


7. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.

8. Cool the cake completely on rack before turning it out on a serving plate.

Baked cake


9. Serve as is, or dusted with powdered sugar.




One Comment leave one →
  1. May 7, 2014 8:34 am

    WOW, how lovely!

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